Friday, March 10, 2006

Blogging One Year Later

Sitting here before Will Richardson’s presentation “The Changing Notion of What It Means To Be A Teacher,” I think back to how excited I was at this time last lyear. I thought that we had found blogging, which was a free tool that we could use with students to engage using technology. Because it’s basically free and kids like it, it seemed like a no-brainer for a cash-strapped school district.

Unfortunately things just haven’t worked out. I’m not sure exactly what went wrong, but it just hasn’t been adopted at the level that I hoped for in our district. We all have blogs, but very few people use them regularly. It has been one more disappointment in a very disappointing year.

The session that Will delivered was excellent once again. I don't know what it is, but when he talks tech, I feel hopeful. The way that he looks at Web 2.0 is really intelligent for a lot of different reasons. I'm going to his podcast session now.